It is true that good height adds to the appearance of an individual as well as to his/her personality and confidence. Psychological researches have proven that people with good height rarely feel low or sad. Owing to the fact that they stand tall in the crowd, they feel superior and have a cheerful behavior. They not only look amazing but everything they wear suits them. This makes it clear why models are tall and why they become the heartthrob of guys and girls. Usually, short height gives people inferiority complex and a sense of insecurity. People with short height most often fail to impress others, despite having a beautiful face or a graceful personality. They are often overlooked in front of a taller person. This further gives rise to inferiority complex as well as jealousy.
Causes that prevents an individual to grow taller
There are a number of causes that prevents some individuals to grow taller. Some of the most common causes are listed below:
1.Hormonal disorder is one of the several causes of short height. Some of the hormonal disorders that prevent a person from growing tall are thyroid hormone deficiency, excess of cortisol and growth hormone deficiency.
2. Genetic disorder or genetic short height
3. Chromosomal defects such as Turner syndrome, Down's syndrome, etc.
4. Deficiency of Vitamin D, Calcium, Iron and Zinc.
5. Idiopathic short stature
6. Malnutrition
7. Skeletal dysplasia
8. Inborn metabolism defects, which include galactosemia
9. Mental retardation
10. Certain diseases like renal tubular acidosis, Celiac disease, kidney failure, Sickle cell anemia, Chron's disease, Cynotic heart disease, etc.
These are few of the several causes of short height. However, now you need not worry about your height as there are several measures to increase your height. Many have switched to using growth pills, which works effectively and facilitates height increase. If you want to grow taller, you can use height increase supplements, but you should make the right choice that will suit your body type. These supplements and pills can increase your height by at-least 3 inches. Even though these pills are very effective but should be taken with caution. A little exercise is as well beneficial along with these growth pills with minimal or no side effects. Nevertheless, it is always better to consult a physician before taking these. The best part of using these is you will not have to undergo any sort of surgery, which is at times life-threatening if not done by an expert. Apart from these pills, you can as well use human growth hormone simulators. However, these can have severe side-effects. Now, you can have an appealing appearance as well move confidently by using these pills.
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